Expanding Sentences with Semicolons, Commas, Parentheses, and Dashes

If your students are anything like mine, they overuse parentheses (where they learned this, I have no idea!) and they view semi-colons to be as about as foreign as hieroglyphics. Although punctuation needs continual revision, reinforcement, and practice throughout the year,  I have included a PowerPoint that I use to bring everyone to a baseline of rules for the four common punctuation marks needed to expand sentences concisely and coherently.

If students are unfamiliar with independent and dependent clauses, or compound and complex sentences, I have uploaded another PowerPoint to introduce these grammar concepts.

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// INSTRUCTIONS: array(“url”,”title”,”type”,”size”),
// AND only the last array() line does NOT have a comma at the end
$downloads = array(
array(“https://www.theteacherslibrary.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/semi-colon-dash-parentheses.pptx”,”Download punctuation PowerPoint”,”pptx”,”1mb”)

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