the sniper Archives - The Teachers' Library English Language Arts Resources and Practical Strategies Mon, 12 Mar 2018 19:33:56 +0000 en-US hourly 1 the sniper Archives - The Teachers' Library 32 32 115061284 The Sniper: Writing for Pacing Sun, 19 Feb 2017 07:08:55 +0000 The Sniper, by Liam O’Flaherty, is a great short story to teach the basic elements of a story, including setting, climax, resolution, and plot twist.  I also find it an excellent story to introduce students to the idea of pacing.  The writing objective for this story and lesson is to use mentor sentences to write […]

The post The Sniper: Writing for Pacing appeared first on The Teachers' Library.

The Sniper, by Liam O’Flaherty, is a great short story to teach the basic elements of a story, including setting, climax, resolution, and plot twist.  I also find it an excellent story to introduce students to the idea of pacing.  The writing objective for this story and lesson is to use mentor sentences to write compound or complex sentences for description, and to use shorter, declarative sentences for action sequence.

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We read the story together out loud either as a whole group, or in smaller groups.  I encourage students to use punctuation to guide them on how to read the story for fluency.  The reading handout and PowerPoint has essential vocabulary for comprehension, pre-reading discussion questions to build background and historical context, and post-reading comprehension questions.

Students then use mentor sentences to construct their own sentences of varied lengths.  Then they move on to a flash fiction activity where they need to be mindful of the intention behind each sentence, and choose  the length accordingly.  The flash fiction activity can be as short or as workshopped as time allows, as either a quick paragraph exit ticket, or a longer extension activity.

// INSTRUCTIONS: array(“url”,”title”,”type”,”size”),
// AND only the last array() line does NOT have a comma at the end
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array(“”,”Download short story and reading companion”,”pdf”,”363kb”),
array(“”,”Download short story and reading companion”,”docx”,”18kb”)

The post The Sniper: Writing for Pacing appeared first on The Teachers' Library.
