gothic horror Archives - The Teachers' Library English Language Arts Resources and Practical Strategies Sun, 05 Mar 2017 15:29:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 gothic horror Archives - The Teachers' Library 32 32 115061284 Gothic Horror Complete Unit Thu, 29 Dec 2016 13:42:34 +0000 Here is a Gothic Horror unit I use with middle schoolers, although the language in these antiquated texts is complex enough that it could be done with high school students as well.  This unit can take between 4 and 6 weeks, depending how much is done for homework.  Throughout the unit, we read excerpts form The […]

The post Gothic Horror Complete Unit appeared first on The Teachers' Library.

Here is a Gothic Horror unit I use with middle schoolers, although the language in these antiquated texts is complex enough that it could be done with high school students as well.  This unit can take between 4 and 6 weeks, depending how much is done for homework.  Throughout the unit, we read excerpts form The Castle of Ontranto, The Tell-Tale Heart, The Red Room, Frankenstein, Dracula, and The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.

We begin by analyzing the historical context of the genre, as well as identifying common Gothic Horror motifs.  We focus heavily on identifying and interpreting uses of imagery, and using mentor sentences to write descriptively.  To hit on some grammar objectives, we also use the mentor sentences to expand simple sentences into compound and complex sentences, with a focus on punctuating simple, compound, and complex sentence  accurately.

As a summative assessment, students workshop their own creative writing piece inspired by Gothic Horror to showcase what they have learned about the motifs and conventions of the genre.

// INSTRUCTIONS: array(“url”,”title”,”type”,”size”),
// AND only the last array() line does NOT have a comma at the end
$downloads = array(
array(“”,”Download the Gothic Horror unit plan”,”xlsx”,”12kb”),
array(“”,”Download PowerPoint introduction to Gothic Horror genre”,”pptx”,”3mb”),
array(“”,”Download Word doc of 5 petal foldable for imagery resource definitions”,”docx”,”21kb”),
array(“”,”Download PDF excerpt of The Castle of Otranto“,”pdf”,”188kb”),
array(“”,”Download PDF excerpt of The Tell-Tale Heart“,”pdf”,”112kb”),
array(“”,”Download PDF excerpt of The Red Room“,”pdf”,”241kb”),
array(“”,”Download PDF excerpt of Frankenstein“,”pdf”,”265kb”),
array(“”,”Download PDF excerpt of Dracula“,”pdf”,”193kb”),
array(“”,”Download PDF excerpt of The Legend of Sleepy Hollow“,”pdf”,”295kb”)

*Note: Many of these 18th and 19th century texts have copious sophisticated vocabulary, so if you plan to have students reading these texts independently, try this handout for reading for vocabulary.


The post Gothic Horror Complete Unit appeared first on The Teachers' Library.

The Tell-Tale Heart Thu, 21 Jul 2016 11:40:10 +0000 I teach The Tell-Tale Heart within a larger unit on Gothic Horror. Below are lined version of the story, a reading companion with comprehension questions, and a powerpoint with key vocabulary and discussion questions. [insert_php] // INSTRUCTIONS: array(“url”,”title”,”type”,”size”), // AND only the last array() line does NOT have a comma at the end $downloads = […]

The post The Tell-Tale Heart appeared first on The Teachers' Library.

I teach The Tell-Tale Heart within a larger unit on Gothic Horror. Below are lined version of the story, a reading companion with comprehension questions, and a powerpoint with key vocabulary and discussion questions.
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// INSTRUCTIONS: array(“url”,”title”,”type”,”size”),
// AND only the last array() line does NOT have a comma at the end
$downloads = array(
array(“”,”Download 5 page story”,”docx”,”17kb”),
array(“”,”Download 5 page story”,”pdf”,”112kb”),
array(“”,”Vocabulary, reading questions, and short writing task to accompany the story in Word”,”docx”,”15kb”),
array(“”,”Vocabulary, reading questions, and short writing task to accompany the story in Word”,”pdf”,”84kb”),
array(“”,”Powerpoint with relevant vocabulary and discussion questions”,”pptx”,”5mb”)

The post The Tell-Tale Heart appeared first on The Teachers' Library.
