Question Words and Sentence Starters

I teach a lot of ELL students and one of the biggest obstacles for many of them to showcase what they know is that they struggle to understand what the question is asking. After that hurdle is surmounted, many still lack confidence to use the correct sentence starters and transition words.


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I pair this PowerPoint with a foldable for our interactive notebooks.  I often have my students make them from scratch, as pictured below; but if you’re pressed for time or not too crafty, then print out the PDF.

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// INSTRUCTIONS: array(“url”,”title”,”type”,”size”),
// AND only the last array() line does NOT have a comma at the end
$downloads = array(
array(“”,”Download Question Words and Sentence Starters”,”pptx”,”925kb”),
array(“”,”Download Question Words and Sentence Starters Foldable as PDF”,”pdf”,”115kb”),
array(“”,”Download Question Words and Sentence Starters”,”Word”,”165kb”)