Below are resources the I’ve put together for the poem, ‘For Heidi With Blue Hair’ by Fleur Adcock. This is one the poems from in the set texts lists from the Cambridge IGCSE syllabus. As an American teacher at a British international school, this my first experience teaching texts that have been mandated, rather than texts I’ve chosen with a particular learning objective in mind.
This is not a lesson plan, but I’ve included my powerpoint with discussion questions (which can also be used as journal prompts) and pre, during, and post reading activities. I have also included a handout to go along with the poem which includes comprehension questions and a writing task.
When the entire poetry unit is tidied up and fit for posting, it will include essential questions and summative assessment ideas, but for now, feel free to use these or change as you need to fit your students or teaching styles!
// INSTRUCTIONS: array(“url”,”title”,”type”,”size”),
// AND only the last array() line does NOT have a comma at the end
$downloads = array(
array(“”,”Download powerpoint”,”pptx”,”7mb”),
array(“”,”Download handout”,”docx”,”108kb”),
array(“”,”Download handout”,”pdf”,”88kb”)