Shakespeare Vocabulary Bingo

At the start of a Shakespeare unit, I like to start with some easy games to assuage the fears of some intimidated students.  To familiarize them with common, high-frequency Shakespeare vocab, we play a little Lingo-Bingo!

To play, students receive a (1) blank Bingo board and a (2) list of word to cut and glue randomly onto the board (randomly needs to be reiterated to some students or they will put them in order, and a few will end up with identical boards).

There is a (3) list of modern words for the teacher to cut up and put into a sac to be pulled out at random, as well as a (4) chart of translations for reference.

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// INSTRUCTIONS: array(“url”,”title”,”type”,”size”),
// AND only the last array() line does NOT have a comma at the end
$downloads = array(
array(“”,”AS WORD”,””,””),
array(“”,”(1) Download the blank Lingo-Bingo board”,”pdf”,”187kb”),
array(“”,”(2) Download Shakespeare vocab to glue onto Bingo board”,”pdf”,”245kb”),
array(“”,”(3) Download cuttable Bingo clues”,”pdf”,”165kb”),
array(“”,”(4) Download translation chart”,”pdf”,”327kb”),
array(“”,”OR PDF”,””,””),
array(“”,”(1) Download the blank Lingo-Bingo board”,”docx”,”51kb”),
array(“”,”(2) Download Shakespeare vocab to glue onto Bingo board”,”docx”,”14kb”),
array(“”,”(3) Download cuttable Bingo clues”,”docx”,”12kb”),
array(“”,”(4) Download translation chart”,”docx”,”15kb”)